Meter Altimeter finished. Initially I tried a 1/10 geared stepper motor but that turned out to be too slow for any kind of quick descents. So I had to split the needles in two using one stepper motor per needle. Works perfectly. The QNH is set in the gauge itself
Finally the four DME indicators are completed & tested. So far I have completed 6 unites of which 2 are being used in the SABENA 707 sim in Brussels which I am helping to build up. I used 3 NEMA 8 stepper motors running at 1/16 steps. Position initialization done
Connecting the fire handles and other switches and lights using the original wiring. Time-consuming figuring out each wire but worth preserving the original work of art
After some considerations I decided to remove the entire insulation for better access to the airframe. This makes it easier to remove remaining wires, tubes and other unnecessary equipment. I am still missing the footrest brackets, panel brackets and panel hinges which I will have to re manufacture.
D-ABUD/N707QJ is undergoing a thorough cleaning and removal of insulation, wiring and unnecessary tubes. Kitchen cleaner is probably the best cleaning product to use for this job. Note the large amounts of nicotine which were not that easy to remove and required some extensive rubbing.