Not as easy as it may seem – finding the correct color is a trial an error task. Unfortunately, Lufthansa keeps their color codes like a “Staatsgeheimnis” even after over 50 years. They do not even answer any requests regarding this project. Preserving the legacy and history has become a very low priority, it seems.
I managed to save some original paint that I found under a dent that was filled. The huge piece of filler came off during the paint removal process. There is a 5cm² piece left on the fuselage and a 1 cm² on the filler piece that I was able to take to two paint shops for analysis. Hours of comparing paint samples finally paid off: an almost full match with Spies and Hecker colours (B3/B247)! However, more testing and comparing is required. Since winter is approaching, I will not be able to do any painting until May 2023 however, due to the cold temperatures and lack of heating in the hangar. Preparing the fuselage for painting will be done during the winter, but priority will shift to wiring and corrosion treatment inside the cockpit.